A sister is someone who's been where you've been. Who know you and what you're about... Someone you know, you can call if you need to when something just not working out. A sister is someone who's more than just family her friendship is one of a kind.. And the closeness you've shared through life's laughter and tears is the deepest that you'll ever find.
These are the quotes I found when I was browsing what is a sister all about. To connect with the quotes. I have three sisters. My eldest sister, a Registered Nurse married to a Filipino immigrant in America 2 years ago. The other one is in Hongkong, a frustrated license High School Teacher, never gets an opportunity to work in the Philippines. And the youngest who is happy lucky girl, studying Psychology.
It is quite peculiar that you came from the same parents, same upbringing and background but you are different. My eldest sister is the only one who I found really different among us. She is a really stubborn and ambitious. And she reached her ambition became a Nurse, a State Nurse teaching young nurses in College of Nursing in California. Besides that, she has a Master Degree in Nursing and now she is taking up a PhD degree there in America. She is a self-centered person, yet I admired her. She gets what she wants. Having not enough money to educate her wasn't a hindrance to achieve her goal in life. Somehow, in that area we have similarities. Poverty is not a hindrance for success and to finish studies and become somebody. I can say she is successful career woman I envied the most but in her journey towards her success she's been also a lot of adversities and she failed in certain area. Unfortunately, she didn't have a successful relationship with her siblings, us. She didn't have a successful marriage yet she is strong to fight back. And every time she had have problems I'm always there for her. I've been always part of her failures her ups and down. Though I feel bad sometimes the way she treated me however I was allotted to help her. As a second child of the family, I always gave space because I thought she was the eldest, needs to be prioritized and that's how it was.
We never became good friends, never have a good relationship. Perhaps we shared laughter and tears, we shared toys when we were young, shared sentiments once in a while but I know we are different. I have a soft heart, even cannot say "NO"with our parents. I don't know if this is because my teenage life is different from her. My parents trust my confidence than she thought. Certainly, helping my parents and be a bread winner of the family for the past 10 years is one factor of my accomplishment in life. Indeed, I grown up as a reliable, responsible and a strong-willed person.
Outspoken of the help I did for her but didn't ask or expect anything in return. I still care and get hurt if someone wanted to hurt her.
We never became good friends, never have a good relationship. Perhaps we shared laughter and tears, we shared toys when we were young, shared sentiments once in a while but I know we are different. I have a soft heart, even cannot say "NO"with our parents. I don't know if this is because my teenage life is different from her. My parents trust my confidence than she thought. Certainly, helping my parents and be a bread winner of the family for the past 10 years is one factor of my accomplishment in life. Indeed, I grown up as a reliable, responsible and a strong-willed person.
Outspoken of the help I did for her but didn't ask or expect anything in return. I still care and get hurt if someone wanted to hurt her.
or you can try the TRIPOD too .I have a friend who always go out of town/country alone with a cam and a tripod with her. She has her whole body shot always.
pretty and brainy sisters....bongga...ehehhee!
I wish to have sister/s growing up....kaso na sandwich ko sa 2 boys...ehhehee...glad I have a daughter...hehehee...can't wait till she grow up...para mag bonding din kami like sisters....lol!
thanks for sharing sis...glad to know...salamat pod tawon sa paglabay sa akong payag...au-au!
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