My cousin and I went out last night. After eating our fabulous Dinner at Japanika Suhi Bar we went straight to Temple Bar - Irish Pub which we had a lovely and great time. It was a very cozy ambiance, clean and beautiful. The bar offers to the public over 70 different kinds of beers, and they have also different kinds of Irish whiskies, liquors and etc accompanied by their Irish dishes. It is an ideal meeting place of friends who wants to have a chat while listening music and having social drinks. It is really a cool place. If I will have an opportunity to go out again, I will come back there and spend sometime with friends who loves social drinks while listening music.But I won't have anymore three glasses of different drinks. Lol! Bartenders are very accommodating and friendly. Which I never regret spending some few shekels as long I enjoyed it.
Well, after having some fun, we always says, "I will never ever drink again". And it happened to me this morning. LOL! Am not shamed of myself posting it here. Actually, it wasn't so strong drinks but I had three different kinds of alcohol which is bad sign for hang-overs.
I read some articles today on how to prevent and get rid of hangovers. I think I have to focus on preventing hang-overs than feel sorry the next day. As to speak prevention is better than cure.
There are plenty of factors that can affect how severe your hang-over might be, such as how much you drink, at what rate, what you eat and drink while consuming alcohol, what kinds of drinks you have (I had 3 different kinds) and how much water you consume along with a booze.
To prevent hangover you have to eat hearty food before or during the session. If possible drink a glass of milk before alcohol. Limit your consumption of congeners. Stick to one type of drinks. Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and it is also advisable to drink loads of water before going to sleep. You pee a lot but its helpful and makes you feel better. And after done partying, don't go to bed straight stay up for a few hours until the alcohol starts wearing off. Be happy the next day, no one told you to drink a lot of alcohol. If you know your limitations you can prevent to have hangover. No one to blame but yourself only , so no need to get irritated to the people around you.
It is too late to prevent if you suffer already a pounding headache. Here are some cure of hangover.
1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat something light
3.Have bouillon soup to restore salt and potassium
4. Have a food or drinks that contains fructose
5. Trying eating bacon sandwich
6. Take a pain reliever or multivitamins.
If you can managed to shower then go back to bed after eating light meals which I did this morning LOL! And the last thing take some exercise to increase appetite.
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